Criterion 4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.1 Physical Facilities (25)
4.1.1 The Institution has adequate facilities for teaching-learning. Viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.
4.1.3 Availability and adeqiacy of general campus facilities and overall ambience:
4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure incurred, excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation during the last five years
4.2 Clinical, Equipment and Laboratory Learning Resources (20)
4.2.1Teaching Hospital, equipment, clinical teaching-learning and laboratary facilities as stipulated by the respective Regulatory Bodies
4.2.2 Average number of patients per year trated as oupatients and inpatients in the teaching hospital for the last five years
4.2.3 Average number of students per year exposed to learining resource such as Laboratories, Animal House & Herbal Garden (in house Or hired during the last five years.
4.2.4 Availability of infrastructure for community based learinig
4.3 Library as learning Resource (20)
4.3.3 Does the Institution have an e-Library with membership/registration for the following.
4.3.4 Average annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e-journals during the last five years.
4.3.5 In-person and remote access usage of library and the lerner sessions/library usage programmes orgnized for the teachers and students (data for the preceding academic year)
4.3.6 E-content resources used by teachers
4.4 IT Infrastructure (15)
4.4.1 Percentage of classrooms, seminar halls and demonstration rooms linked with internet * Wi-Fi-enabled ICT facilities (data for the preceding academic year)
4.4.2 Institution frequently upadates its IT facilities and computer availability for students including Wi-Fi
4.4.3 Available badwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
4.5 Maintenance of Campus Infrastruture (20)
4.5.1 Average expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component as a percentage during the last five years.
4.5.2 There are establihed systems and procedures for maintaining and utilization physical, academic and support facilities, computers, classrooms etc.